
Our Academy

Brownhills Ormiston Academy (BOA) supports every child to achieve their potential regardless of their background and starting point. Throughout their BOA career our students are supported to become well-adjusted members of the academy and wider community with high moral values and self-discipline.

The academy is committed to academic rigour. We expect students to work hard to develop knowledge and skills, and to be highly ambitious about their futures.  All students are encouraged to be life-long learners and to think deeply; they are supported to be curious and to develop their confidence to learn more and experience more.

BOA collaborates with parents and families to keep students safe and to ensure that students are happy and are very ready for their next steps in education, training and employment.

The academy, through its excellent pastoral support and enrichment opportunities, develops students’ character, so they are respectful, have good manners and know how to respond appropriately in different social situations. They learn how to be ready for life as responsible young adults.

The values of the academy are exceptionally important to us and underpin our work and interactions.

We believe that our values are important within the academy community and throughout life.

Ready- Ready to learn and to thrive,  

Respect – Respect for ourselves and others in all we say and do, and   Safe: Safe in our choices and actions for a happy and caring community.

Safe – Safe in our choices and actions for a happy and caring community

Proud to be a Member of Ormiston Academies Trust’s Family of Schools

Brownhills Ormiston Academy (BOA) is proud to be a member of the Ormiston Academies Trust’s family of schools. Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) is committed to deepening the Trust’s impact on children and young people and improving its schools. Over the coming years OAT wants this impact to be realised in tangible improvements to outcomes.

OAT believes, as we do at BOA, that strength and impact are maximised by working as a team- from which comes achieving more together.

OAT’s work across all its schools is underpinned by its four values:

  • Anyone can excel: an unwavering belief that everyone can achieve
  • Enjoy the challenge: perseverance pays dividends
  • Share what is best: we achieve more from working together
  • Be inclusive: celebrating our diversity and practising equity

BOA’s values of Ready, Respect and Safe cohere with OAT’s beliefs and values.

Our Expectations

We have high expectations of and for our students and staff

High expectations of students:  High standards of uniform, behaviour, effort and work.

High expectations of staff: High expectations of teaching standards, of pastoral care and of every member of staff’s role in supporting all students to learn and succeed.

We ask parents and carers to support us in enabling their child to be academically and socially ready for their next steps.

High expectations of parents and carers.: High expectations of parental/carer support for the academy in educating our students. We expect our parents and carers to support us to teach our students excellent study and learning habits for academic success and how to be well adjusted young people who behave, contribute and respond responsibly and appropriately in the academy and in the wider community.

Our Aims

Equip our students with the skills, knowledge, qualifications, attitudes, and characters to achieve and succeed.

Instil desirable study habits and learning behaviours, which enable students to achieve their highest attainable academic standard.

Foster a culture of learner independence.

Maintain a disciplined, enthusiastic, safe, happy and caring academy community.

Ensure students feel secure, valued and safe in and outside the academy.

Develop students experiences by creating a programme of additional enrichment opportunities.

Develop positive personal, social, moral and spiritual growth and respect for different beliefs and ways of life.

Recognise and respect diversity, creating an ethos that promotes equality, develops understanding and challenges myths, stereotypes, misconceptions and prejudices.

Develop a partnership of parents, staff, students, governors, the Ormiston Trust and outside agencies working for everyone’s benefit and betterment.

Cement our place in being an academy, which equips our students to be responsible and informed citizens, who contribute to their local community, our nation, and the world we live in.

Meet the safeguarding team 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs. Chaplin 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads 

Mr. Shaw – Pastoral Support Leader (DDSL) 

Mrs Mitchell – Associate Assistant Principal (DDSL) 

Mrs. Lloyd - Principal (DDSL) 

Mr. McGlynn – Vice Principal (DDSL) 

Mr. Doodson – Vice Principal (DDSL)  


Mrs Chaplin


Mr Shaw


Mrs Mitchell


Mrs Lloyd


Mr McGlynn


Mr Doodson

Brownhills Ormiston Academy is committed to safeguarding our students. We expect students to keep themselves safe and to avoid behaviour and actions, which negatively affect the safety, welfare and wellbeing of others. 

Should you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of being harmed or you receive a disclosure regarding one of our students, please contact Mrs. Chaplin [email protected] (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or a member of the safeguarding team on 01543 452886 immediately 

The safeguarding team are here to help and to listen to our students and their parents, carers and families. If you are a student concerned about yourself or a friend or a peer, or  you are a parent/carer, who is concerned about your or any child’s safety, please contact Mrs. Chaplin [email protected] (DSL) or a member of the safeguarding team on 01543 452886. 

A concern may regard friendships, behaviour or safety. You can talk to us and we will be able to offer support and advice to ensure that our students are happy and safe. 

Parents/carers can also speak to their child’s Form Tutor or Head of Year if they have any concerns.  

All staff receive annual safeguarding training and regular safeguarding updates, so they are equipped to support our students in this area. 

Operation Encompass  

Brownhills Ormiston Academy is partner of Operation Encompass. 

Operation Encompass is a national police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership that operates jointly between schools and police forces and supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse. It aims to ensure schools are notified in a timely manner of any domestic abuse incident where child/ren are present or registered at the address. This early notification should mean that, in the majority of cases, schools are alerted in readiness for the children arriving at school the first working day following an incident. 

As a school we have ensured that a member of our staff, (Designated Safeguarding Lead) known as a Key Adult, has been trained in the Operation Encompass procedures allowing us to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to support the child/ren at our academy. 

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 identifies children who experience domestic abuse as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our students in all circumstances. 

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) 

CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.